Awareness Outreach & Education Programs
Before men can take control of their prostate health, they first need to be aware of their risk. The Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation’s Awareness/Outreach Program includes:
Education Programs
APCF seeks to educate the men of Arkansas with accurate information about the disease by:
- Health Education Events: APCF participates in health education events such as health fairs sponsored by host organizations and local partners. Other events are hosted by civic organizations, churches, or corporations and feature an educational presentation on prostate cancer.
- Literature Distribution: APCF maintains a Prostate Health Resource Center that houses books, pamphlets, brochures, and other materials that are available free of charge to healthcare providers and the public at large. These materials cover a wide range of topics, such as prostate changes, prostate cancer, treatment options, diet and exercise, and life after treatment. The literature items are available in Spanish and English and are tailored to individual literacy levels.
See our order form for a list of currently available literature and to place your order.
- Annual Blue Ribbon Campaign. September is designated nationally as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. To increase awareness during September, the APCF distributes thousands of blue ribbon decals (representing prostate cancer awareness) to colleges and high schools statewide. Each football player in the participating schools will wear the Blue Ribbon Decal on his football helmet during the month, and announcements during games will draw attention to the decals and to the importance of prostate health.
- No Shave November. This campaign encourages participating corporate groups and individuals to grow facial hair during the month of November in order to recognize prostate cancer survivors and raise awareness of the disease among younger men.
- Participation in public expos and community-sponsored events. APCF participates in local events, like the Big Buck Classic, to reach men in casual settings.
For more information about awareness efforts or to participate in a campaign, please contact Megan Bellfield by email at